Stories from the “Murkelei”

The Stories from the Murkelei are wonderful stories that Hans Fallada has written for his own kids, which he lovingly called the “Murkels”: they are diverting, entertaining, and very amusing!

Stories from the Murkelei—scenic reading

Since Christmas 2008, we have been playing the wonderful stories Hans Fallada once wrote for his own “Murkels” in the house he was born in at Steinstr. 59, Greifswald. All young and old members of the audience are feeling amused and entertained and want to see ever more. Well, just come and have a lot of fun with us!

The Students‘ Theatre will show “Mäuseken Wackelohr” (Little Mouse Waggle-ear), the accident-prone chicken, the dear little brother, the story about the little story, and the inverted day.

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