StuThe empfiehlt: Act Natural!

The workshop is a further education event organized by STRAZEkultur in the Kultur- und Initiativenhaus Greifswald e. V.
Der Workshop ist eine Weiterbildungsveranstaltung von STRAZEkultur im Kultur- und Initiativenhaus Greifswald e. V.

23rd February 2 – 5pm

The Imposter Syndrome Theatre Workshop with Sadhbh Juárez Bourke.

Have you ever felt like an imposter?
We all have moments of self-doubt. But when we constantly feel like we are not good enough, like we don’t deserve to be where we are, like we need to stay small to stay safe… we miss out on life. In this intimate afternoon of theatre we investigate “Cops in the Head”, those inner voices that keep us from going after our dreams and living the life we really want.

No script, no play, no actors. Entertaining and profound.

Lanuage: The workshop will be in English.
Requirements: No theatre experience or skill is required.
Costs: Donation
Registrationtickets[at]straze[dot]de (desirable but not mandatory)

About Cops in the Head method
As we grow up, we are shaped by messages, from our parents, our teachers, our community, our government, our media, telling us how to behave, what we should or shouldn’t do. As adults, some of these voices encourage and guide us, others keep us stuck: “You can’t do that”, “don’t be stupid”, “what will they think?”. Cops in the Head uses theatre to help participants and living communities to identify these voices that have taken residence inside the psyche and claim back our personal freedom so we can truly be of service.

Cops in the Head builds on the community-theatre legacy of David Diamond (Theatre for Living) and Augusto Boal (Theatre of the Oppressed).

About the Joker
Sadhbh Juárez Bourke (pronounced Sive as in five) is a fellow “imposter” and facilitator of trainings, workshops and theatre plays on sustainability, diversity, peace building and personal development. She is a trained Theatre for Living joker, certified Emotion Code practitioner and holds a MSc. in Environmental Governance. She is Spanish-Irish, currently based in Stuttgart, Germany. connecting-academia

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